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English Test - 1 Noun & Its Forms

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1. Choose the masculine gender from the options below:

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2. Which of the following is the correct example of feminine gender?

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3. Which word can be used both as a noun and a verb?

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4. Does wood sink in water? (Which word is a material noun?)

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5. Direction: What will be the noun form of 'confuse'?

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6. Choose the masculine gender from the options given below:

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7. The children played in the garden after school. Which word in the sentence is a noun?

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8. Choose the correct noun from of dedicate.

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9. Change the gender of the underlined noun and rewrite the sentence: The lion hunts in the forest.

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10. "The teacher explained the lesson." In the above sentence, point out the gender of the word 'teacher'.

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11. Choose the sentence in which the word, 'lead' is used as a noun.

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12. Directions: What will be the feminine gender of 'sheep'?

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13. The audience was amazed by the ______ during the magic show.

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14. Direction: Choose the appropriate answer for the given sentence: The farmer has three _______ in his field.

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15. I asked, immediately realizing the stupidity of the question.

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16. The cyclone caused. _______ damage to city. The correct form of word to be used in the blank is

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17. The farmer stored grains in the ______ for the winter.

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18. Direction: Choose the most appropriate answer and fill in the blanks. I have five ______.

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19. Direction: Choose the appropriate answer for the given sentence: There was a swarm of _______ near the flowers.

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20. Which of the followings is not a neuter gender?

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21. Direction Choose the most appropriate answer and fill in the blanks. The cattle _______ allowed to wander freely.

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22. Feminine of 'Rooster' is _________.

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23. Direction: Choose the appropriate answer for the given sentence: She wore a pair of _______ with a blue dress.

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24. Choose the masculine counterpart of "Mistress".

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25. The noun form of 'perform'

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26. Identify the gender of the underlined word: The hero of the movie is not a native of this country.

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27. What will be the noun form of "Strong"?

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28. The cartman stopped for his meal. The part of speech of the underlined

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29. Select the word that can function as both a noun and a verb:

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30. Direction: Choose the appropriate answer for the given sentence: We need to buy two loaves of _______ for the picnic.

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