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English Pedagogy Test - 1 Language Learning and Acquisition

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1. Language is ___________

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2. A child got admission to a new school. The teacher was surprised to see that she would speak four languages fluently but could not speak in English. She is a

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3. India's language-in-education as a policy is known

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4. Multilingualism as a resource means

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5. According to language acquisition theory, when there is a lack of sufficient information in the language input, there is universal grammar that applies to all

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6. English does not find its place as a ________

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7. The study of meaning in a language is known as

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8. For English as a second language 'acquisition poor environment' is one where

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9. Language acquisition is a process which

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10. When language development is a deliberate and conscious effort language is

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11. Language is arbitrary' means that

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12. English in India is a language used

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13. According to the Indian constitution, English is a ______________

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14. Language is primarily

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15. Which of the following is important in acquiring a language?

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16. In the multilingual classroom learners can interact

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17. Which is no longer a position of English in India?

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18. The multilingual nature of the Indian classroom must be used as a resource so that

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19. Language proficiency refers to __________

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20. Language is not ________

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21. Language is a pre-requisite to learning a ____________

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22. Which of these is true about learning of a second language?

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23. Under which act did English get the status of the associate official language?

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24. Language acquisition occurs only when

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25. A language teacher asks students to collect leaves to make a leaf scrap book. She also asks them to write the name of each leaf in their language and in English. This activity will help her to promote

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26. The language which is learnt from environment without any explicit teaching is

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27. The major objective of teaching English at primary level is

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28. LAC approach is found to be an interesting area to ease the process of learning. If the context of language teaching, LAC stands for __________

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29. When did the first debate take place regarding the teaching of English in Indian schools?

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30. According to the observation in the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) - 2005, English language in India is a

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1Noor90 %27 / 305 minutes 29 seconds
2Kala90 %27 / 305 minutes 38 seconds
3Shirin banu87 %26 / 305 minutes 38 seconds
4Nandini87 %26 / 308 minutes 56 seconds
5prabhajmunavallimuna83 %25 / 303 minutes 20 seconds
6R.Patel80 %24 / 309 minutes 26 seconds
7Siddu77 %23 / 3013 minutes 26 seconds
8Altaf m73 %22 / 304 minutes 7 seconds
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19Kavyakaveru@gmail.co50 %15 / 309 minutes 42 seconds
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47Raghavendra c40 %12 / 303 minutes 22 seconds
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50Prema karigar40 %12 / 307 minutes 59 seconds
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